Manufacturing Automation: Everything You Need To Know seonorth, September 9, 2022July 31, 2024 Automation is a hot topic in the manufacturing industry, and rightfully so. While it’s been around for decades, advancements in technology have made it possible to create even more advanced machines that can take over repetitive tasks at a much lower initial cost, making many automation options accessible to even small businesses. In this article we’ll explore what exactly manufacturing automation is and how you can use it in your business. Robots typically cost more than labor In recent years, the cost of automation has been increasing. Some people are worried that this means we’ve reached a tipping point and it will no longer be economically viable to use a robot. However, this doesn’t seem to be true—the robotics industry is growing at a rapid pace, which means that companies are willing to invest in these machines in order to get an edge over their competition. Robots generally cost more than human labor when you factor in all aspects of their use (including maintenance). This might make some employers hesitate before implementing them into their production process, but robots have many advantages over humans: they don’t call in sick or take long breaks; they can work around the clock without needing rest; they don’t have any emotions that affect productivity; etc., Automation reduces labor costs Automation reduces labor costs by reducing the number of workers needed to operate a machine, as well as the number of shifts that need to be staffed. For example, if you have 100 employees working 40 hours per week in a manufacturing facility, and you replace 50 of those employees with machines that can work around the clock without breaks or sleep, then your labor costs will decrease by 50%. This is because even though 100 people were needed before automation was introduced, only 50 are required after it’s implemented. Another way that automation can reduce labor costs is when it reduces the number of workers needed to manage an automated system (i.e., someone has to oversee things at all times). This makes sense; if there are fewer staff members on hand doing this job (and therefore more time available for other tasks), then there will be less money spent on salaries and benefits like insurance premiums. The cost of automation is decreasing You can decrease the cost of automation by purchasing a robot that is more affordable. You can also increase the cost of automation by buying a more expensive robot. However, you may not be able to decrease the cost of automation when you purchase an expensive robot since there are many factors that affect how much your company will pay for robots such as: The type of industry you are in The size and quantity of products being produced The amount of labor required to complete tasks Automation means safety in dangerous jobs Employers are always looking for ways to make their workers safer. The number one concern of employers is safety, and automation can help with this. Automation means safer jobs, but there is a problem: it’s hard to find people willing to do dangerous work. If you’re an employer and you want your workers to be safe, but you don’t have enough people who want those kinds of jobs, what do you do? Automate the job! By automating difficult or dangerous tasks with robots or machines, employers can create new jobs that pay better and give more benefits than the old ones did. This helps keep people in their home countries rather than sending them overseas where they could be injured or killed by working conditions like these (or worse). Conclusion Manufacturing Automation is a technology that has been around for decades. It’s used in a variety of industries and has the potential to drastically reduce labor costs while increasing the efficiency of production lines. While many people have concerns about how this will affect their jobs, there are still many jobs out there that rely heavily on human hands-on labor. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as these trends change over time! Author seonorth View all posts